What is the difference between organic and non-organic flour?
31st Oct 2018
I remember when I first moved out of home and, when doing my food shopping, I couldn’t understand why anyone would pay $6 for a kilo of flour when you could buy home brand flour for less than $1. I thought all flour was the same and I wouldn't get sucked in by the branding and packaging! Well when we opened the store, I had to understand the difference. Of course, the fact that the wheat is being grown organically plays a role in the price. Synthetic chemical pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or fumigants are never used which leaves the crop vulnerable to all sorts of diseases and critters so an integrative farming approach must be used. Not only do these chemicals kill unwanted pests, but also are very harmful to the friendly critters such as ladybirds and bees, not to mention the effect it has on our own health.