Quick Guide To Eating Organic On A Budget

Quick Guide To Eating Organic On A Budget

Published by Gabrielle Evans on 23rd Jul 2019

Yes! We hear it all the time! Buying organic vegetable IS more expensive than conventional produce but have you ever tried growing your own organic celery or broccoli?

When buying organic groceries you have to keep in mind that you are nourishing your body and if you are on a budget, the most nutrient rich foods are definitely fruit and vegetables. Buying fruit and vegetables when they are in season is better tasting, more nutritious and better value for money. I’ve seen tomatoes go above $15 a kilo and capsicums above $25 a kilo out of season but when in season these vegetables are priced not much more than in a supermarket. 

Also in your shopping basket should be dry goods from the bulk bins where you only have to buy what you need. This keeps your ingredients fresh. Avoid packaged snacks which are expensive and have little nutrition. Instead, try to make your own treats and snacks. Use spices and herbs to flavour your meals. A good idea is to try to replicate “peasant food” from different cultures around the world. These dishes usually include the most modest of ingredients and are also the most nourishing for your body. Finally – buy in bulk… bring your own containers to fill up with oil and cleaning products and purchase teas as loose leaf rather than in sachets.